Inspire - Dream - Build- Align

Women Arise


Right now, the Lord is placing blueprints in hearts and minds

of women on how to partner with heaven and change culture.

Heaven is calling Kingdom Women Arise!

June 9-10


Closeup of Headphones on Black Background

Identity - Destiny- Activation

  • Do you know what HEAVEN is actively saying over you?
  • Do you want to dig deeper and be activated in your God given destiny?
  • Do you feel something rumbling and turning spiritually and not know how to process it?
  • Together let us walk in an even greater measure of freedom and vision for where the Lord is leading us.

It is time...



Together let us seek the Lord, His presence, His face, and recognise who God created us to be and intentionally partner with the words being released from Heaven.


6:30 PM Friday

WorkshopWorship, Identity Activation, Encounter.

9:00 am-12;30 session

12-1 lunch provided on site

1:00 -5pm session activation

5-6:30 dinner break

6:30 worship encouter impartation

Meet The Activatiors

Bethany Hicks

Bethany Hicks is an author, prophetic trainer, and co-founder of Prophetic Company Global. Her book, Own Your Assignment, is a powerful prophetic call to redefine spiritual mothering in the kingdom of God and her most recent book, The God Connection empowers every believer to recognize and respond to the voice of God in all the ways He is speaking. She is known as a strong communicator who releases passion and grace for people to embrace their world-changer identity.

Stephanie Overstreet

Stefanie Overstreet is a registered nurse and nutritional therapy practitioner who loves to teach women how to have more peaceful and enjoyable postpartum seasons. Through her signature PEACE Method program, postpartum moms learn how to support their bodies for balanced hormones, achieve more mood stability and resilience through emotional wellness strategies and connect more with God, themselves and others.

Debra Arnott

Debra Arnott strengthens connection and facilitates relational reconciliation through creative communication. She just celebrated 31 years in marriage and ministry alongside her husband, Mark, as a teacher, psalmist, worship pastor and Bible college director. Currently a certified instructor in The People Code, Debra also serves on the leadership team of her home church, Kingdom Movement, in Vancouver WA.

Margaret is the founder of Monarch: House of the Prophetic, a ministry that is dedicated to equip people to hear the voice of God clearly and accurately with biblical perspective. She has a passion to help believers discover what God has called them to do with greater understanding in the prophetic. The Thompsons have a heart for the revival stirring in the Pacific Northwest and relocated to the region in 2019 to take part in it.

Margaret Thompson

Anastasia Fomenko

Anastasia is a worship leader and songwriter sold out in her yes to Jesus. She is also the founder of WILD, a ministry that activates wo men to step into their rightful place in the Kingdom so they can lead in the sphere of influence God has called them into.

Marissa Lauren

Marissa is a mom who‘s identity and destiny was activated after a radical encounter with Jesus 5 years ago.

She is a business owner & entraprenuer who is passionate about seeing women coming into alignment with what heaven is saying over them and actively living out their Kingdom Call.

Closeup of Headphones on Black Background

I Deborah arose, that I arose a mother in Israel

Judges 5:7

It is our vision and dream for women to walkaway from this intensive with a greater measure of identifying who you are & where you are going. This weekend will be an activating and empowering We want to partner with you and equip you with TOOLS and a PLAN on how, and parter with heaven and live a powerful life starting first with the Presence of God.

When we Honor and Step into our calling and destiny it releases a greater measure of the kingdom of God here on earth. Eternity starts now, life and destiny started at the cross. Let's us partner with heaven and change the culture of our homes, business, education system, government, and media. All of creation is groaning and waiting for us to be ACTIVATED.

Quotation Mark

You were born for such a time as this -

Ester 4:14

Quotation Mark

The foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.

1 Cor 1:25

Quotation Mark

Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, foryou created all things, andby your will they existed and were created

Revelation 4:12